Whether you have a boy or a girl, there are so many wonderful things about being the parent. But might notice some pretty vast differences, depending on the gender you have.

Having girls means you can dress them in floofy outfits with matching headbands when they’re babies, and ground them when they turn into bratty teenagers. It’s a lot different with boys.

You see, boys are a lot less maintenance than girls are. The don’t care what they wear, they’re not nearly as picky about things, and their teenage years won’t drive you to drink (hopefully). You’re nearly guaranteed a handy helper later on in life when you don’t feel like screwing in a new light bulb, and if you’re a mother, you get to have a mother/son dance at his future wedding. It’s pretty awesome.

It’s true that there’s a lot of fun things about raising boys—but, okay, we admit—there are some pretty interesting things about it, too. Things you can only realize if you have a son.

So all the “boy moms” and “boy dads” out there—these memes are for you. Here are the funniest memes about raising boys that couldn’t be more true.

  1. The toilet seat is rarely dry

    When it is, it’s like hearing the angel’s singing.

  2. Every piece of furniture is dangerous

    Because all they do is jump off of things.

  3. You want to burn all of the toys

    Instead, you just remove the noise makers yet you have no idea why they suddenly don’t work anymore…

  4. The wake up calls are interesting

    Hey, at least it’s not a stinky foot in your face, right?

  5. And the bathroom never stops smelling like a bathroom

    Yes, you HAVE tried potpourri…

  6. Let’s not even talk about the hands in the pants

    I mean, it’s CONSTANT. It’s as if they have a magnet that pulls their hand there.

  7. Your blood pressure is constantly high

    If you’re going to ride in your dinosaur undies, can you at LEAST put your helmet on…

  8. There ARE compliments…

    …But they’re quickly followed by something ridiculously boyish.

  9. The bathroom jokes never go away

    So just give up now and get used to it.

  10. The farting is always unexpected

    Even though you’re well aware you can’t predict when it comes, you’re shocked every time.

  11. Like, do they time these farts, or…?

    How is it always so dangerously close to the face?

  12. If your husband tries to help…

    It just proves all boys are the same.

  13. Family trips are out of the question

    Someone is bound to get murdered.

  14. Have we mentioned the bathroom struggles?

    Because they are plentiful. And smelly.

  15. Dinner is no place for this type of horseplay

    I’m trying to eat over here…

  16. Good luck trying to get them to shower

    This is MUCH more important in boys’ eyes.

  17. …Or getting them to change their underwear

    You learn to not even think it’s gross anymore. Three days? Whatever.

  18. …Especially when watching Star Wars

    “Star Wars and Underwear” is basically the new “Netflix and Chill.”

  19. Phone calls make the receiver panic

    But don’t worry, if no one’s dead, we’re doing okay, right boy moms?

  20. Everything is always about poop

    That, or farts.

  21. They know their priorities


Are you a boy parent? Which of these memes resonates with you most?

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