Melissa McCarthy is one of the funniest actresses I know—hands down. She’s hilarious in every role she plays and always seems to put a smile on my face. And lately, she’s making the world smile even more, but for a different reason.

If you’ve seen a recent photo of Melissa, have you noticed anything different about her? Hint: It’s not her hairdo or a new wardrobe. It’s her bod—which is totally rockin’.

To preface this, we’d love Melissa at any weight—heck, we always have. It’s so refreshing to know that to make yourself known in Hollywood, you don’t always need to be a size zero. And we love her for that. Her confidence has always exuded, and that’s what’s really important.

But if we may: Holy cow. We barely even recognized this actress when she appeared in a photo shoot promoting her new line in the Melissa McCarthy clothing collection.

She’s been on her weight loss journey for quite a while now, but this shoot really had everyone oohing and aahing. Just take a look below to see for yourself one of the stunning photos!

The 47-year-old star is down around 75 pounds from beginning her weight loss journey. Her secret? Following the ketogenic diet, which puts a limit on your carbohydrate and glucose consumption while upping your fat intake. People who follow the keto diet get about 75 percent of their calories from fat a day, about 20 percent from protein, and the rest is the small amount of carbs. The keto diet works by putting your body into a state where it exclusively burns fat.

This type of diet doesn’t work for everyone (so definitely talk to your doctor or nutritionist if you’re looking to try it), but it has certainly worked in favor for Melissa. She looks freaking amazing—and says she feels better, too! “It may be the best thing I’ve ever done,” Melissa said. “I feel amazing!”

Besides changing up her diet, Melissa also credits her weight loss to an attitude change. “I truly stopped worrying about it,” she said. “I think there’s something to kinda loosening up and not being so nervous and rigid about it that, bizarrely, has worked.”

While Melissa is feeling great and flaunting her new look effortlessly, she does have opinions on how much attention she’s gotten about it. In an interview with Refinery29, she said, “The thing is, if that is the most interesting thing about me, I need to go have a lavender farm in Minnesota and give this up. There has to be something more. There are so many more intriguing things about women than their butt or their this or their that.”

We respect that. So we’re going to end this article about how we started it, and the biggest reason we love this actress so much: her hilarity, wit, and Oscar-worthy performances. We love you Melissa, at any size!

There is one more thing she credits to her weight loss—a “super boring life.” We think the jokester is probably kidding (at least half kidding), but to hear what she has to say on that topic, check out the video below!

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