Let’s face it, not everyone has been blessed with a huge kitchen. And, even if you do have copious amounts of space, it’s fairly uncommon to be using high cabinets or awkwardly placed shelves on a daily basis. When we cook, we like to have everything at arm’s length– we all know that every minute spent cooking is precious time, especially if you have a hungry family waiting at the table. So, we’ve scoured the internet to find you the absolute BEST storage solutions for your kitchen– and none of them are expensive or difficult to install!

  1. Produce Shower Caddy Rack

    We just love this creative solution! Simply find a decorative shower rack (the metal ones are usually the most ornate), and affix it to a kitchen cabinet or wall. This rack will surely keep your produce well-organized.

  2. Cutting Board Sink Cover

    Lacking serious counter space? No problem! Pick up one of these nifty over-the-sink cutting boards.

  3. Magnetic Spice Organizer

    If you like to cook with many different spices, then this is the solution for you! Add magnetic strips with a strong adhesive to the bottom of your spice jars. We like to stick these on the side of our fridge.

  4. File Folder Sink Storage

    If you’re looking to add more under-the-sink space, then look no further than this handy trick! All you need to do is purchase an inexpensive mesh file folder and attach it to the inside door of your sink cabinet. You can secure it with a small nail or non-damage adhesive strips.

  5. Write-On Chalkboard Cabinets

    This is a great solution for folks who have kids who love to cook! You can either secure a chalkboard to an inside cabinet or apply chalkboard paint to save even more space.

  6. Hanging Garbage Bag Spools

    Next time you need a fresh garbage bag don’t sift through those clumsy boxes! Just install paper towel dispensers to an inside cabinet. Most garbage bag rolls fit these spools just fine.

  7. Mounted Kitchen Shelves

    If you need to add some serious storage space in your kitchen, then look to your walls! Installing low-priced mesh shelving will give your space a much more organized feel.

  8. Hanging Pot Chandelier

    If you love that hip, industrial look then this is the storage solution for you. The best part about using one of these chandeliers is that you can get back valuable lower cabinet shelf space.

  9. Hanging Mug Holders

    This wonderful storage solution is great because it puts your mugs and cups on display. This is an especially helpful solution for a collector who wants to show off their ceramic ware.

  10. Baking Ware Basket

    This is a tip for all of you hardcore bakers out there! Instead of shoving the pans under that teeny-tiny pull-out shelf under the oven, go ahead and arrange them in a decorative basket.

  11. Spinning Spices Organizer

    Are you a clumsy cook who doesn’t like to rifle through your cabinet for spices? If so then this is a great solution for you. Simply place your half dozen or so frequently used spices onto the spinner.

  12. Egg Carton Condiment Organizer

    If you’re a frequent condiment user then you will love this solution. Take an egg carton and cut off the top. Place the bottom end in the condiment section of your fridge and place your condiments in each divot, bottom side up. The carton will absorb any potential spillage.

  13. Plastic Freezer Bins

    Freezers tend to get disorganized and cluttered very quickly! A great solution to this problem is to find plastic storage bins that fit in your freezer and organize each bin by food category– one for veggies, one for meats, one for desserts, etc.

Are you a kitchen storage aficionado? We’d love to hear your tips and tricks! Tell us all about them in the comments section below!

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