Oftentimes, when we are chilling out, watching Netflix on the couch, the absolute last thing we want to do is get up and clean. After all, the whole point of unwinding is to do the EXACT opposite of housework. That said, there is one new, utterly binge-worthy show on the streaming service that will have you tidying up your abode before each episode even finishes. And, you’ll actually like doing so, too!

The new series, Tidying Up with Marie Kondo, follows organizing consultant and author, Marie Kondo, as she helps everyday Americans declutter, reorganize, and find some much-needed inner peace in the act of downsizing.

Now, believe us when we say that Kondo is very much qualified for this gig. Her 2011 best-selling book, The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up: The Japanese Art of Decluttering and Organizing, has sold over 6 million copies worldwide to date. What has made it such a sensation is its KonMari method, a proprietary organizational technique that requires participants to only keep belongings and decor that “spark joy.”

It may be a simple idea, but it’s one that has deep roots in ancient Japanese culture. This blending of old and new traditions, as well as the Kondo’s one-of-a-kind optimism, are the very traits that have made her amass such a devoted fanbase.

And, with that type of pull, it’s no wonder why Kondo’s followers have been able to “spark joy” in their homes, too. The writer and host frequently shares fan pics on her Instagram account, as a way to show that her tidying technique really is replicable. Just look at what this well-learned disciple of Kondo did with her fridge…

Yep, we’d say that she definitely deserves an A+!

To witness similar organizational masterpieces for yourself, be sure to watch Tidying Up with Marie Kondo on Netflix. A show that entertains AND inspires us to clean? Yes, please!

We’d love to get your take on Marie Kondo’s new series. Are you a fan of the famous organizer? Have you tried the KonMari method? If so, how has it helped you?

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