If your kids love playing with Play-Doh, then they’re going to fall in love with this homemade flubber. When made, it becomes a smooth, elastic-y substance that’s super fun to play with. And best of all, it’s really easy to whip up a batch for play time:

Here’s what you need:

-3/4 cup cold water
-1 cup Elmer’s glue
-liquid food coloring
-1/2 cup hot water
-1 teaspoon borax (found in laundry aisle)

And here’s what you do:

  1. In one bowl, mix together the cold water, glue and food coloring. Set this aside.
  2. In a separate bowl, mix together hot water and borax until borax dissolves completely.
  3. Add the glue mixture slowly to the borax mixture. Mix this well, then pour off all excess water.
  4. Have fun!

Thanks to LifeCraft for the recipe!

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