Our favorite time of year is upon us: The glorious month of October! And you know what that means: watching all your favorite scary movies, getting tickets to every haunted house that comes into town, and planning out the perfect costume for your big reveal on Halloween night.

But let’s face it: Halloween isn’t all about the tricks—it’s about the treats! Besides going door to door and getting mounds of candy from strangers, the holiday offers an entire month of excuses to bake all the goodies.

You know what we’re talking about. If you’ve ever been on Pinterest, you’re probably aware that there are tons of creative Halloween-themed desserts out there—from these easy four-ingredient ghost meringues to these adorably themed candy-coated cake pops and these clever pretzel pumpkins. Holy cute. Holy yum.

These treats are all super easy to make, taste delicious and are surely to be the next hit at your spooky get-together. But we just can’t help but add one more recipe to the mix. If you’re looking for yet another sweet Halloween recipe, have we got one for you: Halloween bark.

Our Halloween bark recipe is one that anyone is bound to like—from adult friends indulging at a Halloween party to your kids munching on it before the costume parade. The best part: You won’t believe how easy it is to make!

Halloween bark requires just a handful of simple ingredients: a few packages of melting chocolate, some pretzel sticks, Oreos, candy corn and Reese’s pieces (hey, we didn’t say this was a healthy recipe, but trust us: it’s a good one).

It’s a pretty versatile recipe, so if you’re not feeling some of these candies, feel free to switch it up: M&Ms, peanut butter cups, you name it—any candy is a good idea here. You can also feel free to mix up the colors of chocolate you use—for example, purple or orange melting chocolate can give the bark an even more funky Halloween vibe.

As far as equipment, a double boiler will come in handy if you have one, but if not, you can always improvise and use a bowl on top of a pot on the stove to melt the chocolate. Once melted, you’ll just smooth the yummy gooiness onto some parchment paper, add your toppings and drizzle on even more chocolate. Once it has some time to harden in the fridge, it’s ready to devour.

It’s so easy, it’s scary!

Instead of telling you how to make it, we’ll just show you. Check out the video below for all the ingredients you’ll need and easy-to-follow, step-by-step instructions for how to make this delicious Halloween bark.

Don’t let difficult recipes haunt you—try this simple bark today. Tell us: Do you have a go-to Halloween treat you make every year or do you like to switch it up? Do you think you’ll try this bark this year? If you try it, be sure to let us know how you like it!

Happy Halloween!

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