We might as well admit it— we’re smoothie addicts. But how could anybody blame us when they’re one of the tastiest ways to get a quick hit of healthy? In fact, the only problem we’ve ever had with them is that sometimes when a craving hits or we want that fast refreshing blast, we just don’t have time to slice, dice and measure the ingredients. Luckily for us and smoothie-addicts everywhere, The DIY Mommy has solved that problem for us with her make-ahead smoothie packs. Watch this quick demonstration of how to put them together, then get started making your own stockpile of smoothie greatness.

You’ll Need

– Plain or vanilla yogurt
– Silicone muffin tin
– Fruits and veggies of your choice
– Small plastic freezer bags

All you have to do is freeze the yogurt in the muffin tin, a tablespoon in each cup. Then just divide your fruits and veggies into freezer bags and pop a frozen yogurt disc into each one. Store in your freezer, and when the smoothie craving hits, grab one, drop it in the blender, add juice and away you go! The DIY Mommy has more detailed instructions on her blog, so be sure to check that out. We think it’s pretty intuitive, and so smart! Have any of you ever made smoothie packs like these ones before?

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