If your version of a good time is watching a marathon of House Hunters on a Sunday afternoon, then we bet you know all about that infamous request we hear from almost EVERY perspective home buyer: “We want an open floor plan with lots of light.”

And while we agree that this style is, without a doubt, the most modern and welcoming option, we always mentally cringe when we hear this request—and all of you who have lived in a home with big windows and lots of light know exactly what we are talking about!

Simply put, open floor plans with lots of glass can mean very early mornings, which is not the kind of way that most of us want to spend our days off.

Lucky for us, blogger Kerri, one of the savvy gals over at the site How Does She, has come up with a brilliant solution for getting rid of that unwanted morning brightness. What we love most about her tutorial is that it was inspired by a problem she was having at her own home.

You see, Kerri’s a mother to two little ones, so she and her husband are still in that tough phase where they can’t close their bedroom door at night for fear they’ll end up waking up in the middle of the night to the sounds of wandering toddlers.

Though she was resigned to the fact that she would have to sleep with an open bedroom door, she wasn’t comfortable with having to wake up to this, every morning…

If this scene looks eerily familiar, then this is just the project for you!

The first thing that you’ll want to do is identify your light source—in Kerri’s case, the culprit was a door with a glass finish the leads to her garage.

Once you’ve pinpointed the area, get an accurate measurement of the offending window, and add at least an inch to all sides. When the measuring process is complete, locate a black-out fabric and cut to size.

After that, comes our absolute FAVORITE part of this tutorial. Before we got into the nitty-gritty, we assumed that we would have to install a curtain rod of some sort—not exactly our preferred weekend project. But, as it turns out, Kerri was able to hang her new curtain using just magnets!

It’s a bit of an odd concept, but one that completely makes sense, if you think about it. You see, if you want to have the option of removing the curtain entirely in order to take advantage of that natural light, all you have to do is pull it off. And when you are ready to get some shut-eye, you can just stick it back over the window. Smart!

Now it’s time for you to try out this foolproof curtain hack for yourself. Just click on How Does She’s link here to get the full tutorial, as well as a complete list of materials you’ll need to make one of these trusty blinds for your own home. Let’s make those shades work FOR us, not against us!

What do you think of this curtain DIY? Have you tried a similar project before? How do you soften the natural light in your bright bedroom?

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