Now that the magic of the holidays has worn off, it’s safe to say that we ALL are pretty sick of this winter business! Cold weather isn’t just uncomfortable; it can be seriously expensive, and receiving that unwelcome heating bill every month is always a painful experience! That’s why we’re going to share a couple of hacks with you today that will save you some cash on this pricey utility.

This tip come to us from YouTuber AlaskaGranny. We can already tell that this social media star knows what she’s doing simply by reading her username! Here are a couple of her best energy-saving tips.

  1. Bubble Wrap Your Windows!

    If you avoid the freezing-cold areas that surround your windows like they’re the plague, then we have the hack for you!

    Simply measure out a sheet of bubble wrap so that it covers the entire area of your exposed window in one layer, then set aside. Wet the inside of your window using a spray bottle filled with water, then before the window gets a chance to dry, wet the “bubbly” side of the wrap and place it against the glass.

    Believe it or not, that small amount of water will keep the bubble wrap stuck tightly to your window through the winter. To remove, simply strip off—our host assures us that this will not leave any damage to the window whatsoever. BUT, if the bubble wrap is a bit finicky in the removal process, try spraying a light stream of a glycerin-water mixture onto the window.

    Protip: To insulate your windows even further, draw the blinds or the shades over the bubble wrap and enjoy the toasty results!

  2. Install a Removable Door Seal!

    Anyone who lives in a cold climate knows that cool air can get through even the smallest of cracks! Take the front door, for instance. If that sucker isn’t perfectly air-tight, then it is no match for those frosty winds outside!

    For all of you out there who are dealing with this issue, AlaskaGranny suggests investing in a door seal—in her video, she reps the Cinch Seal. The best thing about this product is that it’s super easy to install, and it won’t cause any permanent alterations to the door which makes it a great solution for renters.

    To get started on yours, measure the width of your door—no need to include the size of the frame! Remove the door seal from the packaging and trim to your door’s width, if necessary. Then, just apply the adhesive-end to the bottom of the door and smooth flat. How easy was that?!

    You can get your own door seal for around 20 bucks at your favorite hardware store. For even better results, look into purchasing one that covers both the top and bottom of your door.

To get more specific instructions on AlaskaGranny’s techniques, as well as her third hot tip, be sure to click on her video below.

What do you think of AlaskaGranny’s ideas? Have you tried either of them on your own? If so, were you happy with your results? Do you have any energy-saving tips that you would like to share? Tell us all about your thoughts and experiences in the comments section below!

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