Many of us have dreams of hitting the lottery, but while we’re busy fantasizing, how many of us stop to think about the legal aspect, the accounting aspect, and the hiding-from-people aspect? If you actually considered the last one, you’ll love the idea in this story.

A lottery winner in Jamaica who played Super Lotto took his sweet time to collect his prize – nearly six months – as he was too nervous to step forward. When he finally showed up, he did so with style and smarts by wearing a mask from the “Scream” movie.

The winner, identified only as A. Campbell, dressed in a black costume with a long white jacket to collect his $1 million (USD). According to the Jamaica Star, lottery officials say it is not uncommon for winners to wear masks when claiming their jackpot prizes.

They do so for their own safety and protection. Last year in the country, one woman came wearing an emoji mask to collect her Super Lotto winnings. Since laws vary by state here in the U.S. on whether lottery winners’ identities go public, we can totally understand wanting to stay anonymous.

But this “Scream” mask? Awesome. Hear more about his story and how he plans to use his newfound fortune by clicking on this video.

Would you rock a disguise to collect your imminent lottery prize? What do you think of this guy’s actions?

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