No two infants are created equal. And though it’s practically universal knowledge that all babies are cute, it’s hard to deny that some are just a bit edgier than others! What? You’ve never thought of an infant as being edgy before?

If that’s the case, then we’re guessing that you’ve never taken a look at the classic viral clip that we are going to share with you today. And if you have, then you know exactly what we’re talking about!

This oldie but goodie has been floating around the Internet for the past decade or so, but don’t immediately overlook it because of its age. Believe us, this little-clip-that-could refuses to die for a very good reason. It stands the test of time because, simply put, it’s absolutely HILARIOUS!

The video starts off ordinarily enough, with a camera focused right on the face of an adorable little newborn in a pink, fluffy onesie. Now, we would like to point out that the baby isn’t smiling here. In fact, one of the off-camera onlookers wonders aloud if she is “scared.”

We think that the woman behind the voice may have been onto something, because, almost as soon as she spouts her theory, the little one starts showing off some defensive moves. Her face contorts into an expression that we can only describe as “Blue Steel-esque” and her little arms and legs come together into a near-flawless kung fu dragon stance.

Anyone who has witnessed the sight knows that we are not exaggerating here—this kid appears to actually be channeling Chuck Norris!

Since originally being featured on AFV in the early 2000s, this video has been uploaded, re-uploaded, shared, tweeted—you name it—millions upon millions of times. Most recently, this baby’s menacing face has even been immortalized in a funny GIF!

Believe it or not, the girl’s kung fu inspired moves have even captured the hearts of folks as far as Japan. The video was actually featured on their very own version (we think…) of America’s Funniest Home Videos. Pretty impressive for a newborn, huh?

Unfortunately, it seems that the identity behind this intimidating infant is completely unknown and still remains a mystery. We don’t know where this baby is today, but we seriously hope that her folks enrolled her in some martial arts classes so that she could put her God-given talents to good use!

To see this pint-sized Bruce Lee in action for yourself, be sure to click on the video below. If this is your first go-around with the “kung fu baby”, then you’re in for a treat. And let’s be honest, even if you watch this clip daily, we think you’ll still have something to gain from taking a peek at this kid’s fierceness!

What do you think of this infant’s moves? What do you think she was trying to convey? Do you have an ‘edgy’ baby that makes menacing expressions? Tell us all about your thoughts and experiences in the comments section below!

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