Let’s get one thing out of the way: if you clicked on this post, chances are, you are: a) a klutz or b) someone who LOVES to watch people fall down for sport. Personally, we are not too proud to admit that we have one foot firmly planted in the first group and one planted in the second–and we’re not ashamed of being part of either!

You see, we’ve always been clumsy, ever since we can remember, in fact. Over the years, our gracelessness, particularly in social situations, has been the root of some pretty embarrassing circumstances, the very first one being the time when, back in 3rd grade, we managed to drop an entire carton of craft paint all over our new dress during art class. Oh, and did we mention that that happened about 5 minutes before school pictures were set to be taken?

Unfortunately, we didn’t grow out of our clumsiness after we graduated from primary school–actually, it just got worse. When we were eight years old, little did we know that we would be spending our entire adulthood apologizing to fellow shoppers at the supermarket for accidentally ramming into them with our cart and holing up in the bathrooms of Italian restaurants, trying our darndest to blot out marinara stains the size of watermelons.

Though our klutziness has made for some mortifying experiences (obviously), we like to think that it has also given us a sense of humor that we wouldn’t have if we had the grace of a ballerina. Because of this, we find ourselves watching A LOT of viral videos showing the klutzes of the word, like us, fall–and usually in the most hilarious of circumstances. Not because we are making fun of the fellow klutzes, but because we can totally RELATE!

Let’s take today’s video, for instance. It was posted just last week by Redditer u/mporco511. In it, the dad of two gives the Internet an inside look at just how uncoordinated his household is by sharing security camera footage of their many bunglings.

The clip, which is entitled “What I’ve Learned from Having My House Wired with Security Cameras: My Daughter is a Klutz and I Need to Step Up My Dad Game,” is an instant internet classic because it’s real and hilarious. You would think that watching a toddler fall on a hardwood floor over and over again isn’t something to be laughed at, but in this particular case, it most definitely is.

In fact, in the comments section of this very video, u/mporco511 even reassures other Redditers that it is “totally ok” to laugh at the clip and that he and his wife “were dying laughing watching it.”

It seems like we share a similar sense of humor! To see this viral clip for yourself, be sure to watch the video below.

What I’ve learned from having my house wired with security cameras: my daughter is a klutz and I need to step up my Dad game. from r/daddit

We’d love to hear your thoughts on this hilarious viral video. Did you think it was funny? Are you clumsy? If so, what’s your most embarrassing klutzy moment?

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