Those plagued by psoriasis often have a hard time finding a remedy that works. The incurable condition affects over 100 million people worldwide, and symptoms usually start developing when people are young.

Medicines help, but many seek out relief through diet or home treatments. When something that really, really works is found, it calls for a celebration. That’s what longtime sufferer Laura Gray from the U.K. is doing since making her psoriasis disappear with the help of a “miracle” cream.

Upon the suggestion of her mother, Gray decided to try a baby’s lotion manufactured by Child’s Farm, a company that is also based in the U.K. Simply called baby moisturizer, the product cleared Gray’s psoriasis patches up within 24 hours of her applying it.

She was so amazed with the results that she decided to share about it on Facebook, where her post went viral. Gray told the Daily Mail that she usually uses a pharmaceutical grade hydrocortisone ointment but it’s rough on the skin. She was willing to give Child’s Farm £4.99 product a shot.

As it turns out, she’s not the only who’s declared victory with the lotion. Others who have children battling eczema or are suffering from psoriasis too have also found sweet relief. Babies with painful, itchy eczema rashes all over their bodies are experiencing clear skin within a few weeks.

Adults like Gray who for years have dealt with relentless psoriasis flare-ups are surprised but happy about how effective this cream is on the condition. When the skin becomes inflamed, the itchy patches can extend over large parts of the skin. In Ms. Gray’s case, hers was covering the neck, chest, and arm area when she tried the baby moisturizer.

Are you wondering what’s in it? According to the label, the moisturizer is free of parabens, SLSs, and mineral oils. It contains cocoa butter, shea butter, and rosemary, which are all healing to the skin.

The owner of the Child’s Farm brand got her start by creating natural bath items for her own children’s sensitive skin. That was 2010, and business has been booming ever since.

With the baby moisturizer being an award-winning product for the company, it’s available throughout the U.K. and through some international retailers. Word is getting around that this cream is a life saver for parents, kids, and anyone living with a skin condition like eczema or psoriasis.

Chronic bouts of psoriasis and eczema can be extremely frustrating, and prescription treatments can add up, have side effects, or don’t always help. Home remedies like vitamin D supplementation, dietary changes, sea salt baths, oatmeal ointments, or moisturizing with olive oil offer relief, though it can be temporary.

Many users of this Child’s Farm moisturizer are either managing their symptoms or having them completely healed. Sometimes the cure we need is found in the most unassuming form, and this is one that’s affordable, natural, and safe enough for newborns!

What do you think of this woman’s story? Do you suffer from psoriasis or eczema? Are you familiar with this Child’s Farm product?

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