So much is being written about the royal family right now that it is hard for the public to discern what is really going on. For those people who are fascinated with the “Fab Four”, there is another story making the rounds.

US Magazine is reporting that Duchess Kate and Duchess Meghan recently put their alleged rift to bed. In what’s being described as an “airing of grievances”, a source told Us Weekly that Duchess Kate felt that Meghan was using her to climb the royal social ladder.

Supposed hurt feelings were also had by Meghan Markle, whom the source said felt slighted by the duchess. But everything was peachy when the two made up on Christmas Day at the Sandringham estate.

For months, there have been rumors of discord between the sisters-in-law as well as some growing distance between their husbands. Since none of us walk the halls of any of the royal palaces, we are not sure which of these rumors has any merit.

What is true is that we hope everyone gets along great, for there are so many toddler and baby royal members being added to the family that the next generation of royals will need their own cute nickname. “Fab Eight” perhaps?

Take a look at this video to see the glam and glee of both duchesses from this past Christmas. It seems like everything is sweet to us!

What are your thoughts on feud rumors? Do you really believe there is major dysfunction?

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