Real talk: out of all of the TV judges—and there are A LOT of them!—it’s safe to say that Judge Judy is the best of the best. Believe it or not, the former family court judge is the highest paid person on television, and for good reason— her feisty personality and no-nonsense approach to settling disputes have continued to strike a chord with audiences for over 20 years.

But cash and experience aside, this tactful judge has managed to keep her feet firm on the ground, letting common sense reign supreme in her televised court. For example, the colorful justice ended up settling a recent dispute between two would-be pet owners by inviting the reportedly stolen dog right into her courtroom to choose the owner for himself!

We’re not kidding you…

Whose dog is it, anyway?

Right off the bat, it’s clear that this case is unlike many of the others that Judge Judy handles. While it certainly falls under the category of “small claims”, it has nothing to do with a miffed landlord or a spiteful ex. It involves the supposed kidnapping of a cute little dog.

The plaintiffs say that their dog, a white Shih Tzu named Baby Boy, had been stolen. Luckily, the couple had eventually located their pet, but their problems didn’t stop there…

You see, the other woman in the court room, who is in possession of a dog that bears a striking resemblance to Baby Boy, claims that the dog is hers. She asserts that she bought the pooch off the street and that a veterinarian had even confirmed that the canine’s age is different than what the plaintiffs have provided.

Like many of the cases that Judge Judy oversees, the details given from both sides are convoluted and each party is quite emotional about the whole process. After some petty back-and-forth, it’s clear that neither the plaintiff nor the defendant has provided the judge with sufficient evidence.

So, the scrupulous justice calls in an “expert witness” of sorts to settle the matter once and for all— Baby Boy himself!

That’s right. She requests the dog be brought into the courtroom and placed on the ground. Once the dog is out of its handler’s reach, he high-tails it straight to one of parties, without even casting a glance in the direction of the dumbfounded other party on the other side of the room.

“He always does that,” one of the parties protests, but Judge Judy isn’t buying it. It’s clear that the mutt has made his decision. His rightful owners are moved to tears—and for good reason!

Can you guess how the judge rules?

Now, that’s one way you can get a dog to talk! To see The Young Turks re-cap this hilarious canine moment, and to see who Baby Boy’s true owner is, be sure to watch the video below.

We’d love to hear your take on this clip! Do you think that the dog ended up with its rightful owner? Do you agree with Judge Judy’s approach? Have or someone you know ever appeared on her show?

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