On July 20, 2021, Jeff Bezos, the richest man in the world, fulfilled his dream of space flight. Bezos, along with 3 other passengers including his brother Mark Bezos, a Dutch teenager named Oliver Daemen, and aviation pioneer Mary Wallace “Wally” Funk, who is 82 years old, enjoyed 11 minutes of flight.

The flight took off from Van Horn County, Texas, and it departed on the 52nd anniversary of the Apollo 11 moon landing. The automated capsule the four passengers were in was named The New Shepard in honor of Alan Shepard who was the very first American to travel to outer space.

After the capsule landed, Bezos participated in a post flight news conference in which he thanked, among other, Amazon employees and Amazon customers for paying for his flight.

After a video of the “thank you” circulated online, many other people started roasting him.

In case you’re wondering, the 11 minute flight cost $5.5 billion.

Some people commented that they are proud that they do not shop on Amazon.

And other tweets roasted Amazon customers, pointing out why the site is so successful.

Are you an Amazon customer? Do you think it was a waste of $5.5 billion to spend 11 minutes in a capsule? If you had the money, would you want to go to outer space? What do you think Bezos should have done with the money instead?

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