According to Edison Research, the average American wakes up to begin their day sometime between 6 and 6:30 am. To tell the truth, that seems a bit early to us. Of course, we’re self-proclaimed “late to rise” folks, but, we’d be willing to bet that most every one of the unlucky souls who wakes up before the sun rises would rather sleep in!

Well, unless you’re international movie star, Mark Wahlberg that is.

Believe it or not, the artist formerly known as “Marky Mark” actually LOVES getting up before the sun rises. In fact, his day usually starts at least 4 hours before the dawn breaks, at 2:30 am.

Now, we don’t know about you, but, in our book, 2:30 am is more “middle of the night” territory than “morning,” but to each his own. We guess…

Perhaps unsurprisingly, most people have similar reactions when they first learn about the actor’s incredible wake-up time. But, what turns their reactions from shock to awe is when they get a load of the rest of his daily schedule:

As you’ve likely surmised, the above is Wahlberg’s daily schedule–and, boy, is it shocking.

It confirms that the actor does, in fact, get up right in the middle of the night, at 2:30 am on the dot. After that, he spends some quality time with the Man Upstairs before indulging in breakfast, performing a (long!) workout, and even hitting a few golf balls–and this is all before 8 am!

After that, his day consists of various snacks, work meetings, family time, and a 7:30 pm bedtime.

Yep, 7:30! It sounded pretty early to us at first, but when we remembered that the guy gets up at 2:30 in the morning, the early bedtime makes a whole lot more sense.

Back when Wahlberg’s insane schedule was first revealed Twitter had a heyday, with many users sharing schedules of their own days. Predictably, you’d be hard-pressed to find ANY that resembles that of the actor’s. In fact, most looked something like this:

Pretty relatable, right?

Apparently, another person who is tickled and mystified by Wahlberg’s daily schedule is none other than the host of The Late Late Show, James Corden. Last week, the hilarious Brit decided to join the movie star for the most fun (not!) portion of his day, the 4 am workout.

Now, if you know anything about the television host, you know that he’s not necessarily known for his 6-pack abs or physical prowess, so it’s not surprising that he found the middle-of-the-night exercising sesh to be pret-ty insufferable.

Again, totally relatable!

Now that we’ve schooled you on Wahlberg’s incredible daily schedule, it’s time for you to watch the beloved actor and TV host perform a 4 am workout together. Spoiler alert: it’s hilarious!

We’d love to hear your thoughts on Mark Wahlberg’s daily schedule. What is your daily schedule like? Are you always able to fit in everything that you’d like to fit in? What time of the day do you exercise?

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