We came across an amazing gallery of photographs of “bump” paintings and had to share it! The artist is a woman Carrie Preston, who lives in Cornwall, England. She started her venture, My little Sweet-pea, first with Murals for children’s rooms but has expanded into many other areas.

Carrie is an extremely talented artist. In addition to being passionate about art, she is passionate about children’s welfare and has raised over $9,000 for charity through two sponsored “Bumpathons” (yes, “Bumpathons”!) for the neonatal unit at Treliske, Truro and one for Comic Relief.

That’s right, Carrie paint bumps! As she notes, “It may seem completely mad to some people, in fact some even go as far to describe it as vulgar. I personally see it as beautiful. Painting a pregnant bump allows you to freely express yourself, it’s fun and relaxing.”

Carrie says that a bump painting session takes about 2 hours to complete, and describes the process as very relaxing and peaceful for the soon-to-be-mom. She notes that babies will kick a little during the painting sessions.

She photographs the finished work, both for the mom-to-be and for her own collection.

Carrie has painted over 130 bumps and says that each one has a special story behind it. It’s great that Carrie has been able to pair a passion of hers with a job she loves.

Check out the amazing bump paintings below. Enjoy!

A crashing wave

Little Joey

Adventure is out there

My little pumpkin

The fish bowl

Cute monsters peeping through the door



An Easter present

A blink in the eye of the Universe

The little Mermaid, Walt Disney


The stark bringing joy

Dumbo, Walt Disney

You are my sweet strawberry cupcake

My Little Totoro

I will love you until the cows come home

Fairy tales

Bambi, Walt Disney

Sweet sweet honey

Guess how much I love you

Family road trip

Little apple

Sweet tiny turtle

To view more of these photographs, click over to Carrie’s website: My Little Sweet-pea Bump Gallery.

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