You may have considered at some point in your life whether you’re an introvert or an extrovert. Extroverted people are overly outgoing, love to be around people, and are expressive about their feelings. Introverts are the total opposite: They get their energy from being alone, without people around.

It’s not that introverts have social anxiety, a common misconception, and they’re not shy, contrary to popular belief. It’s just that they find they get kind of exhausted when around so many people for long periods of time and need some time to themselves. In fact, that’s how they get their energy: from alone time.

If you’re not sure which you are, try asking yourself these questions: Do you prefer small gatherings or hanging out in large groups? Do you find after talking a lot, you need some quiet time, or do you thrive when being a chatterbox? Do you enjoy being at home more, or among people more? Do you shudder at the thought of small talk, or embrace it? The answers to these can help you figure out where you are on the scale.

While many people lie somewhere in the middle of introvert and extrovert, there are an estimated 25 to 40 percent of introverts among the population.

If you’re one of them, you understand what it’s like. Best feeling ever is dodging a party invite with a good excuse right? Only to stay at home with a good book and a glass of wine? Oh and how about when your chatty coworker calls out sick? Swoon. We totally feel you.

Here are some of your fellow introverted people’s greatest pleasures. We might even call them turn-ons!

  1. When they cancel the plans

    “Aw mannn, what a bummer! Let’s totally reschedule” *Cries of joy* *Never reschedules* *Feels on top of the world*

  2. Elevator malfunction

    “Oops, sorry, tried to hold it!”

  3. The happy sound of silence

    This is SO MUCH BETTER than hanging out with someone who won’t shut up.

  4. Overstayed your welcome

    Closing the door behind them and hearing the silence is unlike any other.

  5. Silent hair cuts

    There’s nothing worse than when they ask you 21 questions. I just want to relax!

  6. Bus rides

    Wow, there are so many opportunities now. Reading, listening to music, no one making small talk about my day…

  7. Ideal working situation

    Just me, myself, and I (and maybe a cup of coffee).

  8. Solving everything with a text

    Well that was easy (and close!). Why’d it even have to come to a phone call?

  9. Bathroom break

    Let’s just hope no one else realizes this.

  10. Getting gas

    You better believe I’m not paying inside.

  11. Grocery stores

    *Scans and runs out of supermarket as quickly as possible*

How funny are some of these to other introverts? Can you relate to any of these? What are some of your biggest introvert “turn-ons”?

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