This story starts out very sad. A man was watching a family of deer wander around his backyard when he noticed one of the fawns was having a hard time keeping up with the mother deer. Upon further examination, it looked like the baby deer had a broken leg, and there was nothing the mother deer could do to help her baby. That was when the man watching decided to do something very kind. Watch the video below to see the whole sweet story.

When the young man took the fawn in, he started out scared. But after a few weeks of nursing the baby deer back to health – even making a brace for it’s broken leg out of a cardboard box – the fawn became extremely attached to his rescuer.

The fawn even made friends with the rescuers’ two dogs, which is just about the cutest thing I’ve ever seen.

Once the deer was fully recovered, the man brought him back into the field where he was separated from his mother. But the fawn did not want to leave his rescuer! It took a few attempts to get the fawn to stay put until the mother finally came back to the area. And when the baby saw his mother, he bounded her side and they ran off together, to the young man’s happiness.

What an amazingly uplifting story!

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