When you meet someone new for the first time, a common question to ask is, “What do you do?” While you can answer with your job title, sometimes a description of what you actually do while you’re at work is required. We can all have misconceptions about what it’s really like to have certain jobs.

Photographers who take stock photos and the models in them often have misconceptions about jobs as well. Granted, we’re sure it’s hard to take photos that capture the concept the photographers are going for. We don’t claim to know everything their job entails, but some of the photos are very, very far from reality. Thus the new hashtag that’s taking over twitter and bringing lots of LOLs along with it.

People are using #BadStockPhotosOfMyJob to share stock photos of their job that got it so very wrong. The first posts were by scientists, but now there are posts for everything including writers, doctors, and teachers.

While the stock photos themselves often look cheesy and posed, what really makes these posts hilarious (even if you know nothing about the job) is the text the posters are writing. Get ready for some witty sarcasm!

Scroll through the posts below, and see if you find one that represents your job. 

  1. Artist

    You mean artists DON’T drink wine all day? We had no idea.

  2. Historian

    That open red marker makes us nervous just looking at the photo.

  3. Gynecologist

    This is just so wrong. Why the sandwich? Why?!

  4. Novelist

    As a writer, I must add that of course we use old-school typewriters and not computers. Dress code optional.

  5. Auto Glass Installer

    Apparently, safety is not a priority.

  6. Teacher

    It’s interesting that these photos all look so similar.

  7. Geologist

    Safety first!

  8. Graphic Designer

    We’re sure a thumbs up behind the graphic designer’s head is super helpful too.

  9. Military

    Nothing like looking good on the job.

  10. Pediatrician

    Beware if you take your child to a pediatrician who does this!

  11. Digital Marketing

    The one finger method – that’s mutli-tasking at its best!

  12. Veterinarian

    Oh, the misplaced stethoscope!

  13. Doctor

    They better be wearing good running shoes!

Was your job on this list? Which stock photo made you LOL the most?


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