We all have our fears, whether it’s heights, spiders, or (shudder) clowns. They don’t necessary have to make logical sense, in fact, they rarely do. Even Max the Siberian Husky has his irrational fears…like hula hoops, for instance. We’re not sure why, but Max is terrified of hula hoops and refuses to walk through them. So Max’s owners worked hard to try and help their husky overcome his bizarre fear of the great and powerful hula hoop! Watch the video below to see what happens.

Getting Max over his fear is not as easy as we thought it would be. It takes several tries to get Max to finally walk through a doorway with a hula hoop in it, but eventually makes it through.

The boys try going through the hoop themselves (even on all fours) to show Max it’s safe to pass through the hoop. They try calling him to the other side and tempting him with treats, but nothing seems to be working.

It takes a lot of coaxing and demonstrating, but finally, Max makes it through the hula hoop! Go Max!

Some inspiration to help you conquer YOUR irrational fears today. You’re going down, clowns.

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