If you’re looking to whiten and brighten your teeth, don’t waste your money on Crest Whitestrips. Just head to your own kitchen. You likely already have two powerful ingredients that will noticeably whiten your teeth in two minutes. All you need in a lemon and some baking soda:

Using this home remedy, it’s important to heed the warnings. Lemon can definitely be damaging to your teeth (like colas) if overused, so don’t abuse this technique. We’d recommend this trick for special occasions when your smile needs a boost. You probably shouldn’t do this more than once or twice a month. And be sure not to brush your teeth for 30 minutes after you whiten!

If you’re looking for some more DIY teeth whitening tips, we’ve got you covered:

5 Home Remedies for Whitening Your Teeth
DIY Tooth Whitener
5 Uses for Bananas Besides Eating Them

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