With the holidays fast approaching, the smell of some holiday staples, like Christmas cookies, will soon be in the air. Mrs. Accountability, writing for The Digerati Life, recalls how her mother used to bake 10 different kinds of Christmas cookies during the holidays. However, most people don’t have the time to do this or the resources to spend on all the different ingredients required for all those different cookie recipes.

Even so, you can still get a wide variety of Christmas cookies while only baking one kind. How can this be done? All you have to do is organize a Cookie Exchange Party! Here’s how you can do it:

  1. Figure out how many friends you’d like to involve. For the purposes of this example, let’s say that 12 people are participating.
  2. Choose 12 different cookie recipes, keeping variety in mind.
  3. Assign each recipe to a friend (or ask what everyone would like to make).
  4. Each participant makes 12 dozen cookies of their recipe.
  5. Pick an evening to meet up and divide the cookies. You can make this a fun, relaxing event with hot cider, hot chocolate and/or treats. You could also ask everyone to bring a pot luck dish and make a dinner out of it.

For some cookie recipe ideas and some ideas for “Treating the Troops” with a cookie exchange, head over to Baking Cookies and Sharing Them In A Cookie Exchange.

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