Everybody wants something a little different from their make-up, but there IS one effect in particular almost every woman wants to achieve: perfect skin! One of the biggest obstacles blocking this goal is large, gaping pores, something many of us struggle with.

There are tons of foundation and concealer tutorials out there on how to hide your pores, but they can be frustrating because the demonstrators always seem like they’re starting out with perfect skin already. For those of us with large pores, rosacea, acne or other skin conditions, it’s not only not particularly helpful, it’s a little demoralizing.

What we need is somebody who understands, and for that, we turn to Stephanie Lange! She not only has large pores, she knows how to cover them up, and she’s sharing her tips and tricks for doing it with us today.

Be prepared to watch her giant pores disappear like magic, then go home and work some magic on yourself!

How to Mask Pores with Makeup


  1. Start by blotting at your skin with a piece of tissue paper or blotting paper first. If you have large pores or are susceptible to acne, it’s very important to get rid of this excess oil first and foremost.
  2. Dip the concealer side of your brush into your cream and dab this on any places you have extra large pores. This Bye Bye Redness cream not only flattens out your pores, making them disappear, but it also nixing redness at the same time.
  3. Very gently blend the cream into your skin, using circular motions.
  4. Finish off my locking in the cream with a coat of powder. Continue by applying your foundation and the rest of your makeup.

The difference in the before and after is startling! It’s like her skin is literally made of porcelain.

Just a note: you can use whatever cream or brushes you prefer, these were just Stephanie’s picks to do the job. After your day of flawless skin, make sure you properly cleanse, exfoliate, and moisturize your face to keep that cream out of your pores for future awesome skin days.

What do you think of this makeup technique? Share your thoughts in the comments section below.

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