Tip Hero Tom O. recently brought to our attention that because he had a “Golden Age Passport” issued by the US Parks Service, he has a lifetime pass to all National Parks good for him and anyone in his car. This great idea definitely merited some investigation.

After poking around a bit, I found that the Golden Age Passport was replaced in January 2007 by the “Senior Pass,” which is part of the “America the Beautiful – National Parks and Federal Recreational Lands Pass.” This is very similar to the Golden Age Pass. You have to be 62 years of age to acquire one. All you have to do is go to any National Park Service facility that charges an entrance fee and provide:

  1. Proof of age (62 years or older)
  2. Proof of US citizenship
  3. Ten dollars cash (a one-time processing fee)

After you pay that one-time fee, you and the passengers in your car (up to 4 people total) are welcome to ANY National Park for free for the rest of your life! The pass also provides a 50% discount on Expanded Amenity Fees such as camping, swimming, boat luncheons, etc.

There are other people who are eligible for free passes to National Parks as well. An “Access Pass” is a lifetime pass for US citizens that have permanent disabilities. National Parks also offer “Volunteer Passes” to those who have acquired 500 service labor hours.

If any of these passes are applicable to you, do not miss out on the great lifetime opportunity. Thanks to Tom for the tip!

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