Not sure how you’re going to keep your kids entertained while they’re out of school? Here are some creative ideas from MelissaB at Beating Broke:

Have a Family Play

Let the kids go crazy with the dress up box and come up with some kind of play to perform:

If your children are old enough, you can largely stay out of the picture and let them decide on a story, props, stage directions (even if the stage is just your living room). Smaller children may need a bit more direction and assistance from parents. If the kids are stuck for story ideas, they may want to act out what happens in one of their favorite stories.

Check Out Your Local Library

The library really solves any problem. Head there to check out activities like movie viewing night or family story hour. Find some great books for your kids to read or movies that you can rent, etc.

Let Kids Stay Up Late

During the holidays, kids will be thrilled to have a little extra freedom and be allowed to stay up a bit later:

My kids need their sleep and have an early bed time. However, during the holidays, we relax the rules a bit and let them stay up later one or two nights a week. Perhaps they can stay up to watch a favorite show that they normally can’t view because it is past their bedtime or you could play games with them. Either way, they will be delighted to stay up later than they are usually allowed to.

Check out more ideas over at Beating Broke’s 4 Frugal Ways to Keep Young Kids Busy During Christmas Vacation.

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