Many of you out there live or are at least on the road to frugal, fulfilling lifestyles. We all know (in theory, at least) that it is possible to be rich in family, friendships, love, etc. But are there ever times when you just want to feel flat-out, filthy, stinking rich? Guilty.

Most movies about being rich or getting rich are not actually about how great having money is. They are about how love makes you richer, like in It Could Happen to You with Nicholas Cage, or about how money gives you an enormous amount of responsibility, like in Mr. Deeds with Adam Sandler. There are also many movies in which money is the root of all evil. We know the lessons and (hopefully) know that money is not everything, and it is far from the most important thing in a person’s life. However, in your wildest fantasies, I’m sure you’ve dreamt of experiencing what it feels like to be disgustingly rich, if only just for a day.

I am of the mind that anything is possible if you do a little creative thinking. What are some ways that we can feel rich on a budget, if only for a little while? Well, my friends, here are some of my favorite ideas:

Host a Wine Event

For some reason (I don’t know if you agree), wine and champagne make me feel richer/fancier. Get your friends or family together and host a wine and cheese event. Insist that the occasion calls for formal attire, i.e. gowns, fine jewelry, shirts and ties with jackets for men, etc. Have everyone bring their own bottle of wine and their favorite cheese. If they go to a store like Trader Joe’s, your guests could easily spend less than $10 on their portion. All you need to provide are glasses (the fanciest-looking plastic wine glasses at the Dollar store are a good option if you don’t want to use your own stemware), your own selection of wine, some crackers for the cheeses, and some plates. Play classical music or jazz (use Pandora on your computer if you don’t have any of this kind of music). Set candles all around for dim and romantic lighting. Voila, you’ve got your own soiree for some of the classiest people you know.

Take a Bath

There’s nothing like a long, relaxing bath to wash away the stress of the day. While a bath might seem like a pretty ordinary thing to do, your “fancy” bath can be anything but ordinary. If the richest person in the world prepared for a bath (or, more realistically, had the hired helped prepare their bath), what would you imagine would be included? I’m picturing candles all around (all you need are cheap votive candles and maybe one nice aromatic candle in your favorite scent). There’d be a lot of bubbles (and bubble bath is not difficult to get your hands on).

An ordinary bath also wouldn’t have just ordinary water. You could use any bath salts you like, or try a recipe like this:

Bath Tea Recipe: Combine 1/2 cup sea or Epsom salt, 2 tablespoons chamomile or green tea, 1/4 cup dried rosemary or sage, 1/2 cup dried flower petals and 2 tablespoons dried lemon or orange peel. Combine ingredients and divide mixture into small muslin bags or small squares of cheesecloth. Tie them off and tie on labels.

Before you get in the bath, heat up your fluffiest towel in the dryer so that it will be nice and warm and waiting for you after you get out of the tub. Prepare a classy snack in a fancy dish or glass (I love strawberries, grapes, or any other juicy fruit that’s easy to pick at while you’re taking a bath). Make yourself a relaxing herbal tea (or hot cocoa if you’re not into tea). Prepare your iPod/mp3 player/CD player in the bathroom to play a calm music selection that makes you feel like a million bucks.

While you’re soaking, you could try out any homemade facial recipes that you’ve been dying to experiment with. If you make a one-time investment in an inflatable bath pillow and a bath tray/reading rack, you can “curl up” with a good book (or maybe catch up on your celeb gossip) by candlelight while you soak. You’re bound to feel rich for at least half an hour.

Don’t forget to moisturize when you’re done!

A Night at the Opera or the Ballet

At least in all the movies, rich people attend lavish openings at the opera or the ballet. You too can act like an important socialite at either of these events, and you don’t have to pay hundreds of dollars to attend.

My favorite tip is to head to local schools and universities. A lot of the big performing arts schools in the country have amazing theaters. My alma mater, Emerson College in Boston, owns the Cutler Majestic Theatre in downtown Boston. Its beautiful 19th century architecture, vast seating and elaborate ceilings make me feel a bit rich every time I go in.

Anyway, point being that you can check out schools that have ballet or opera programs in your area, see if there are any performances coming up that interest you, and get your cheap tickets! Also, especially since it’s the holiday season, you’re bound to find performances of The Nutcracker at virtually every dance studio across the country. Be sure to check out dance studios in your area. Then all you have to do is dress in your finest formal attire and perhaps have a glass of champagne (or sparkling cider) before you go.

For more ideas for free or cheap opera tickets, head here, or you can check out my article on how to get cheap theatre tickets.

Prepare a Gourmet Meal for No Reason

I do this all the time. If you’re going to cook a meal anyway, why not fancy it up a bit? It doesn’t cost anything to use the nicest plates and stemware you own. Serve lemon water in wine glasses. Bust out your nicest tablecloth (or even a cheap white sheet, as white linen is what’s used in most fancy restaurants). Pull out your cookbook or check online for a delicious-looking frugal recipe with a gourmet flair that you’d like to try. It’s really a piece of cake to dine like the rich do (except instead of having the maid serve you, you may have bribe your kids or spouse to do it).

Head here to learn how to bring fine dining into your home.

Stroll Through an Art Gallery or Museum

Spending the day looking a fine art or the latest exhibits is a great way to feel rich. There are lots of galleries around the country that are absolutely free to attend, and you shouldn’t feel pressured to buy anything. Just browse and enjoy at your leisure. Do a Google search for “free art galleries” in your area to figure out your options.

As for museums, check your local library to see if they have a Museum Pass Program. If they do, you and up to 3 other people can enjoy a day a local museum absolutely free! Stroll through the museum and comment on art, artifacts, and exhibits with your nose in the air like you know what you’re talking about. Oh, and be sure to wear your Sunday best!

What it’s Really Like to Be Rich

Ok, in all seriousness, being rich isn’t all about spas and fancy dinners, although those are the things we may dream about. According to this article by DreamCatcher, there are 7 main characteristics of rich people. They:

  1. Have no limited self belief
  2. Recognize the importance of time
  3. Seek out other people of higher social status
  4. See expenses as investments for making more money
  5. Have strong self-confidence
  6. Have good money habits
  7. Make great philanthropists

Is it just me, or do many of these sound like characteristics of the ideal frugal person? With the exception of #3 (which can be substituted for seeking out other frugal people to create a support system) and maybe #7 (though we can be philanthropists on a budget), we frugalistas who adhere to these characteristics may just be on our way to becoming richer!

What are some things or activities that make you feel rich? How do you achieve the feeling on the cheap? We would love to hear your favorite ideas. Thanks for being a Tip Hero!

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