These clever ideas from Buzzfeed are sure to make spring cleaning a little less frustrating and time consuming. Oh yeah, and lots of them will save you money too.

Air Vents






Just grab a rag, a knife and some 409 and good to go.


Gross Armpit Stains








Use 1 tsp of Dawn dishwashing detergent, 3-4 tbsp of hydrogen peroxide and 2 tbsp of baking soda to scrub the stain. Then launder as usual.


Carpet Pet Hair








Just use a squeegee.


Ear Buds







Dampen a q-tip with a bit of rubbing alcohol (just a bit, since you don’t want to damage your electronics by getting them wet). Then wipe over the surface.


Engagement Ring








Make a paste out of baking soda and water. Or you can use toothpaste as well! Then follow these directions.


George Foreman Grill







Grab some paper towels for this task.


Keurig Coffeemaker








Fill the water reservoir halfway with vinegar, then run a cycle through without adding a k-cup or filter. Then run 2 cycles of water through to eliminate the vinegar taste and smell.


Microfiber Couch






Use some rubbing alcohol, and light-colored sponge and water to get these couches clean.

Check out many more great tips over at BuzzFeed’s How to Clean (Almost) Anything and Everything.

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