Who gets excited whenever for a new season of The Bachelor or The Bachelorette? It’s one of those totally guilty pleasure shows that you know so bad it’s good, and that you just can’t help but get sucked in to. (Or am I the only one?)

If you’ve never seen the show, it begins with about 30 suitors trying to win the heart of the king or queen of the show, and that person trying to narrow down who they want to marry. It’s filmed over the course of like, a month or something, but who are we to judge?

Anyway, we’re pretty big fans of the show, but have always have one burning question: How the heck does the bachelor or bachelorette remember the names of all the guys or girls trying to win them over? Thirty people is a lot, especially when they’re all saying the same cheesy lines and dressed in similar gowns and suits most of the time.

We just learned one pretty big secret that sums up the answer to that question. Former Bachelorette Ali Fedotowsky recently wrote in a blog for E! that producers actually help them to remember the names, and that they totally don’t need to feel any pressure to. And they way they do it is pretty unique too.

“Throughout the night, a producer is never far from your side and constantly reminds you about everyone’s name,” Ali wrote. “She (the producer) has flash cards with the pictures and names of every contestant. It is hard to remember everyone, even with the flash cards. It’s all so overwhelming. The Bachelor/ette goes into the rose ceremony room and says a few names at a time and then leaves to get the next few names.”

Now we’re picturing a bachelorette glancing up at a poster of the suitor she’s with as she’s trying to ask him about what he likes to do for fun. Too funny!

Eventually, of course, as the suitors dwindle, the knack for remembering names only goes up. Honestly, every time I watch the show, it takes me a few episodes in to finally remember and learn everyone’s names, so I can only imagine how hard it is to do IRL.

In general, remembering people’s names is something that many people struggle with. Here are a few pointers to remember when trying to recall someone’s name:

• Concentrate when the person tells you their name; many times we’re thinking about something else and miss it

• Repeat the name out loud upon first meeting the person (e.g., “Hi, Anna, nice to meet you.”)

• Associate between the person’s face and some kind of word or image that might correspond (E.g., Paula is polite).

• Don’t be afraid to ask them again if you really can’t remember—that gives you a second chance to try all of these strategies again (E.g., Sorry, can you remind me what your name is again?)

Do you ever have trouble remembering someone’s name when you first meet them? Share your best tips, if you have ‘em!

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