While some people prefer cats and others prefer dogs, there’s no doubt about it that dogs have more advantages. You can take your dog practically anywhere, and nobody will bat an eye. You can put your dog on a leash and go for a walk, go to a pet friendly hotel, go to a dog-friendly beach and even go to some pet-friendly stores and restaurants where they might give Fido a complimentary bowl of water to lap up.

Have you ever seen a cat at the beach? Have you ever seen a cat on a leash at a restaurant? Have you ever seen a cat at a fashion show? While actually, we have seen that.

If you’re a cat person, you might feel like you can’t take your cat with you anywhere. You have to leave your precious feline at home while you go out and about.

Not anymore.

We recently learned about a hoodie that was designed in Japan for the purpose of bringing your cat with you. If you have a lap cat, you’re going to love this. You see, there’s a kangaroo pocket, but it’s not for your hands. The opening is on top, and it’s perfectly sized for a cat to fit inside!

Just check out this cuteness!

While we’re sure you could fit a small dog inside the pocket, it’s really designed for cats. You can wear the hoodie while you take a walk, sit outside at Starbucks or just kick up your feet on the couch binge watching Netflix.

The hoodie has an added bonus of keeping you and your cat warm all winter. Bring on the kitty cuddles!

We thought this hoodie was the cat’s meow until we learned about yet another hoodie. This one is designed in China, and it has a similar concept to the “Mewgaroo” described above, but this one has a secret zipper compartment where the cat can hide inside.

We all know some cats can be a little skittish, so this zipper compartment will keep your cat safe and secure while you move about without risking your kitty jumping out of the pocket. It keeps kitty safe and comfy inside too.

Watch the video below to see just how amazing this innovative hoodie is.

If you love cats, you might want to think about adding this hoodie to your holiday wish list. If you know someone who loves cats, we can’t think of a more unique gift. It’s definitely something they probably don’t already have.

Which hoodie do you prefer? Is there someone on your holiday shopping list who would like one of these hoodies?

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