According to Green Options, there are 8 basic staples that you need to create your own money-saving homemade cleaners. There are many ways that you can mix and match these (which I’ll get into later), but here are the ingredients you don’t want to be without for your cleaning needs.

  1. Baking Soda
  2. Borax
  3. Distilled White Vinegar (white or apple cider usually work best)
  4. Hydrogen Peroxide
  5. Lemons (or lemon juice)
  6. Olive Oil (cheaper grades work well)
  7. Vegetable Based (Liquid Castile) Soap
  8. Washing Soda

You certainly don’t need all of these items at all times, but these are the basis of your frugal cleaning toolbox. There are other items that will crop up in recipes (i.e. dish soap), but Green Option’s list provides a good start. (Oh, and in most of these cases, you’ll need a spray bottle or two. Sounds like a dollar store buy to me!)

Time to Clean!

Now that you’ve got your base ingredients, what do you do? While there are tons of variations on cleaners, don’t let yourself get overwhelmed. Below, I’ll breakdown some homemade cleaners for you based on what they clean best. You can always experiment with measurements and proportions until you find the best cleaners for you.

All-Purpose Cleaners

If you’re on a mission and want to just attack a bunch of dirty surfaces at once, check out some of these cheap, homemade, all-purpose cleaners. Just grab a cloth and go to town.

Bathroom Cleaners

Glass Cleaners

Floor Cleaners

Kitchen Cleaners

There are so many homemade cleaning recipes out there that there is really no excuse for the frugal person not to make them. I know that I’ve barely scratched the surface with the homemade cleaning possibilities. What are some of your favorite homemade cleaners? Are there any that you’ve tried that you’d like to warn against using? We’d love to hear about your experiences in the comments section below, and as always, thanks for being a Tip Hero!

A big thank you goes out to the following sources!




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