If you’ve ever look through a family album from when you were a baby, you’ve probably rolled your eyes to some of the crazy outfits and poses your parents subjected you to. Back then, things were much different than they are now!

Even still, wouldn’t it be fun to go back in time, even for just a moment? People have recently started to recreate some of the wackiest family photos they’ve taken in, but in the present time. Same people—just older, wiser, and dressed in the same ridiculous garb.

Some of the before and afters have us in stitches! Take a look at some of the most hilarious recreations of old family photos.

  1. These fancy 30-year-olds

    26 year old recreation. Me and my twin on our 30th birthday. Our most embarrassing photo from r/funny

  2. These strong cousins

    Me and my cousin. 2005 and 2020. It was much more difficult to take the picture now. from r/pics

  3. This sleepy father/son duo

    My dad and I recreated a tender moment 34 years later from r/funny

  4. This tired dad

    My husband was 3 months old when his father was killed in a car accident. As a Christmas gift to his grandmother this year, we recreated an old photo with our new son. from r/pics

  5. These bros during rainy season

    35 Years Later…….. from r/pics

  6. These kiddos who never outgrew trick-or-treating

    We recreated our first Halloween’s costumes 20 years later. from r/pics

  7. These sons who love their mama

    My 60th birthday present.

  8. This fun Easter tradition

    Happy Easter from my family to yours from r/pics

  9. This son who followed the family career path

    A son who predicted he would follow in his father’s footsteps and become a police

Do you have a funny family photo in the archives that you can recreate?

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