Now that we know how we’ve been drinking coffee wrong, there’s another important coffee fact we have to address. Did you know that, most likely, you’ve got mold growing in your coffee maker right now?

A 2011 study from NSF International found that about half of coffee makers (we’re talking the classic, basket-and-carafe kind here) had yeast and mold growing in their reservoirs. About one in ten were home to coliform bacteria. On average, home coffee reservoirs also had higher germ counts than both bathroom door handles and toilet seats.

Yuck, right?

Our bodies can deal with small amounts of bacteria that make it into our coffee from moldy machines, but after a while, they can grow to high enough levels to cause sickness. And sickness isn’t too energizing.

Luckily, adequately cleaning out your coffee maker isn’t too complicated. While you should definitely clean the carafe, lid and basket on your coffee maker after every use, you should deep clean it like this a least once a month:

Thanks to Huffington Post for the tip!

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