There are two dress-up themes you can follow for Halloween: cute or scary. Most of the time, we have a tendency to dress our littlest ones up in the cutest attire that we can find. It’s not unusual to see tots masquerading as elephants, hot dogs, and even octopi. That said, we have a real soft spot for those kiddos–and parents!–who are willing to take a walk on the dark side.

Case in point: this “head-turning” sisters costume…

Nope, your eyes are not deceiving you; that is actually a two-year-old little girl walking around with her “head” in her “hands.”

The very spooky trick-or-treating video was filmed by the little girl’s mother, Kristen Hwang. Hwang, her two girls, Maya (the decapitated one), and Charlie (the one that still has her head), live in South Bay Village, Philippines.

Upon posting the amazing trick-or-treating video last weekend, the formerly-anonymous family has now officially gone “viral,” having garnered millions of views and ‘likes’ across platforms.

When Hwang learned of her international success, she published a follow-up post, providing further explanation to those curious about the construction of the now-legendary Halloween costume.

Further proof that you don’t need to choose on Halloween— you can be both scary and cute at the same time!

We’d love to hear your thoughts on this winning costume. Are you a fan of it? Have you ever constructed a similar costume before? What are you wearing this Halloween?

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