Plants: they’re a beautiful, and obviously necessary, part of any garden. Until you inevitably kill them, that is.

We know, it sounds harsh, but you shouldn’t be too offended because, let’s be honest, you wouldn’t have clicked on this article if you had a degree in horticulture.

Now, it’s nothing to be ashamed of. We, too, aren’t the most adept gardeners in the world, yet, lack of skills aside, we have still managed to keep our flowers flourishing.

So, how do we do it? For starters, we only introduce the heartiest of plants and flowers into our personal garden. Luckily, there are many varieties out there that are pretty hard to get rid of–even for the most notorious flower serial killers! Here are our 9 top picks…

  1. Oakleaf Hydrangea

    Grows best in: The Southeastern United States

    What’s best about the oakleaf hydrangea is that, while it blooms in the spring or early summer, the delicate blossoms stay beautiful all year long! To sweeten the deal, this hydrangea doesn’t attract pests and can survive through drought-like conditions. Gorgeous!

  2. Desert Rose

    Grows Best in: The Southern United States and Hawai’i

    Just because you want to grow a drought-friendly plant doesn’t mean you are relegated to planting cactus. Instead, opt for the ornamental desert rose. It comes in a variety of different colors and barely needs any water in the fall and winter, when the plant is dormant.

  3. Sea Thrift Plant

    Grows Best in: The Midwest and New England

    This solid little plant produces ethereal buds that come in bright pink, red, white, and even violet. Care is extremely simple; the plant requires little water and, as a bonus, is entirely deer resistant. Talk about a great payoff!

  4. Persian Shield

    Grows Best in: The Southern United States and Hawai’i, or anywhere indoors

    If you live in the scorching-hot South or Southwest, look no further than the all-too-underrated Persian shield. The plant needs little care to thrive. Just make sure that you fertilize it bimonthly and add some water when the soil looks parched in the summer months. Not too hard, huh?

  5. Hosta Plants

    Grows Best in: Most Climates

    Native to Eastern Asia, this perennial is known for thriving in the shade. That said, it’s important that, whether yours lives inside or out, you supply it enough sunlight in the winter months. And if you happen to have hungry deer in your neighborhood, consider planting some daffodils around it for protection against the pests.

  6. Agave

    Grows Best in: Most Climates

    This succulent is one of the heartiest around— it thrives in arid climates, but is still able to stay alive in colder spots, like Western Canada. Agave that is planted in pots should be re-potted every year in order to replenish the soil. Otherwise, the plant needs little water and should thrive for years on end if fertilized with a bit of cactus soil.

  7. Sedum

    Grows Best in: Most Climates

    Widely regarded as being one of the all-time easiest plants to maintain, sedum simply requires occasional water during particularly dry periods. It comes in dozens of different varieties, heights, and colors, which means that, if you wanted to, you could fill your garden with as much of this easy-to-grow plant as your heart desires!

  8. Butterfly Weed

    Grows Best in: Most Climates

    This vibrant plant will attract plenty of wildlife, including hummingbirds, butterflies, bees, and other beneficial insects during the blooming season. No fertilizer is required for this plant; just make sure that its soil is moist and that you trim off any old growth from the leaves before spring hits.

  9. Purple Rain

    Grows Best in: The Lower Midwest and the Southern United States

    If you’re a Prince fan, you can’t go wrong with this vibrant salvia! The purple rain perennial maintains a gorgeous violet bloom in the summer months and requires little extra watering. Just be sure to plant it in a particularly sunny spot if the weather patterns in your town are temperamental.

We’d love to hear your take on these easy-to-maintain plants! Have you raised any from this list? If so, do you have any suggestions about how to best care for it? Are there any other hearty varieties out there that you love?

Source: Gardening Know How

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