The holidays are arguably the best time of year, for many reasons—whether it’s the joyful spirit everyone seems to be in, or the cheery caroling outside your door or just the excessive baking. But there’s nothing that quite compares to the joy we get from watching Hallmark original movies for the 2019 year.

The Hallmark channel is notoriously known for creating and playing a range of holiday-themed rom-coms all season long. And honestly? There’s truly nothing better than sipping a mug of hot chocolate and curling up on the couch to binge watch all the movies and shows.

Sure, the movies can boarder cheesy, and yes, most of them have a pretty similar love story line, but they really hook you in, each business boss lady and her love interest at a time. Once you watch one, soon you’re watching the next one, and eight hours later you’re still in the same spot on the couch, the tissue box a little emptier.

Just thinking about it is enough to start getting us into the holiday spirit. Hey, it’s never too early! And Hallmark thought so too, since they released their holiday movie lineup even earlier than usual.

To really get into the holiday spirit, Hallmark went ahead and released their “Countdown to Christmas,” aka their entire movie lineup for the year—and man, it’s just making us even more excited for the holidays.

Check out the entire lineup here, which is listed by the date, time, and film. The movies will start star playing at the end of October (that’s right—before Halloween!) and goes all through New Year’s, so you can plan your Hallmark binge nights accordingly.

We can’t wait! Are you a big Hallmark Christmas movie fan? Which one will you make sure to hit the play button on this season?

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