The average person gets their hair cut about every 6 weeks. This Rachel Ray viewer? She hasn’t cut her hair in YEARS. And she has about 3 feet of hair to prove it. So when the Rachel Ray styling team gets a hold of her…the hair is coming off. Curious to see her new look? You won’t be disappointed! She looks absolutely gorgeous, literally decades younger, and her hair is SO enviable. Watch the video below to see her compelte transformation.

The stylists’ trick? Tons and tons of layers. Layers keep hair full and healthy looking, and while they’re extremely stylish, they also make for an easy-to-manage haircut.

Between her new hair cut and her new dress, Diane looks amazing! It’s fantastic to see how happy and glowing she is, and even better to see how she left the studio audience speechless! You know that’s a good sign.

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