While a lot of us are currently making pancake cereal or chocolate chip cookie cereal thanks to the popular TikTok trends, some of u still enjoy a standard bowl of cereal.

Cereal is arguably one of the best breakfast foods. It’s quick and easy to make in a pinch, it satisfies you like no other, and there are so many different flavors and varieties of cereal that it’s hard to get bored, even if you eat it day after day.

But you know what’s annoying? Stale cereal. And you know what feels inevitable? Stale cereal.

Seriously, anyone else struggle to keep their cereal fresh? Even when you put the plastic bag back in and seal it tightly, cereal still seems to go stale quicker than it’s supposed to. And those plastic containers? We swear, there are holes in all of the ones we buy! We can just never keep our cereal as crunchy as we’d like.

It turns out, we’re not the only ones like this. One mom struggled with keeping her cereal fresh and finally decided to do something about it.

The woman, Becky McGhee, a mom based in the U.K., wanted to help out others in her situation and decided to share her cereal hack on Facebook—but she never thought her tip would go as viral as it did. It was just that good!

In addition to several photos going though how to complete her tip, she also created a video on how to do it as well.

“Had to share this!!!” she wrote on Facebook, accompanying her photos and video. “It’s only taken me 40 years, but I now know the correct way to close a cereal box. Genius. It takes seconds, no more dried up cereal and ugly torn boxes to greet me every morning.”

The tip is so awesome that it’s racked up more than 140,000 shares and has more than 4 million views.

Instead of folding the top lid of the cardboard box down and tucking it Into its little insert as we were all taught to close cereal boxes, McGhee’s tip involves a different type of fold—one that seals up your cereal box into more of a triangular bag shape.

This fold ensures no air gets in it, keeping your cereal fresh for much longer, plus it looks much more aesthetically pleasing than your standard cereal box!

The vide is a mere 46 seconds long, but we bet you can do the gold in even less time! Yes, it’s that easy. Take a glance at the video on this awesome cereal hack below.

Do you struggle with keeping your cereal fresh? Are you going to try out this tip from this mom?

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