Is going to the doctor ever fun for us humans? No. After getting a physical and having a medical professionals hands all up in your you-know-where, are we going to be in the best mood after that? No.

Well, a trip to the vet is never a fun time for a dog either. Think about it—they have to sit on a table in an unfamiliar place, with an unfamiliar person, getting pricked and prodded, touched in weird places…even for a dog who probably eats their own poop, it’s not their favorite place.

It’s only natural that after coming back from the vet, your dog might be in a bit of a mood.

So was the case for one woman, who dedicates an entire Instagram feed to her three golden retrievers, also known as the Mississipi Golden Girls.

The three dogs, named RowanOak, Remi, Idgie Ruth, have developed quite the following on social media. It’s probably how dang cute these three are, and how doting and lovely the owner is to them. She posts all their tricks and cute moments for the world to see, and we just can’t get enough!

But it was her latest video that really made us giggle. The owner was taking the pups back from their vet visit, and, as we just talked about, they were kind of grumpy. They just really didn’t want to be bothered, even from their owner.

But that doesn’t mean she didn’t try to get them up and moving. She began just simply trying to talk to them with a bright, cheery voice.

“Girlies! Where are my babies?” she bustled to the dogs in the backseat. But the dogs didn’t get up from their spot at all. No tails wagged, no barks, not so much of a peep out of them.

“Are y’all tired from your doctor visit?” the owner continued, trying to get them to respond in any type of way. Nothing! Not even a sigh.

She even tried to break out the big guns: “Y’all wanna go home and get a treat? You wanna go home and get a treat and some dinner?” she said to the dogs.

If you have a dog, you know that “treat” and “dinner” are usually the magic words that get the dog up from any mood their in. But not in this case. These dogs were just not having it at all!

The owner thought for a moment. She knew what to say. She asks the dogs a simple question, and even though it was just two words, it was two words that got all three dogs up at the exact same time the moment they left her mouth. And the moment is not one you want to miss.

Can you guess what the question was? Watch this adorable video to find out!


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How cute are these three goldens? Does your dog have a magic word or phrase that they’ll listen to you if you say?

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