When you’re expecting a baby, one of the biggest decisions you have to make is whether or not to find out your child’s gender. While advances in technology have made the discovery both easier and more popular than ever, people also feel more strongly than ever about knowing or not knowing. The “want-to-know” camp does have one fun thing in their corner: gender reveal parties! Whether combined with baby showers or as their own special event, these family get-togethers are a great way to experience the discovery together. We’ve seen quite a few ways to make the moment dramatic – opening boxes of blue or pink balloons, unwrapping an outfit, spraying silly string – but by far the most popular, and the tastiest, is cutting into a cake that’s been dyed the corresponding color. That’s the plan the couple in this video from Rumble’s Dinah Leigho made, but when they go to slice that cake, there’s a surprise. Watch what happens. However you feel about gender reveals, you’re sure to be delighted by this.

How sweet and adorable was that? A new baby AND a surprise proposal? I don’t think it’s possible for this moment to get more special for this super-cute couple.

There’s so much happening in this video, and so many memories being made. Not only does the whole family get to find out the gender of their future son, grandson, nephew and cousin together, they get to be present when Dad proposes and makes their new little family “official.” How wonderful that, for Mom, these two surprises will forever be linked in her mind. She clearly had no idea what was happening, right until the moment he finally fished out that jewelry box and dropped to one knee. No wonder that – once she calms down a little – she yells so excitedly that she gets to have a “mini” of her now-future-husband! They obviously love each other so much, and are surrounded by family who are just so excited for them.

Have you ever had or been to a gender reveal party? Did you find out your children’s genders before they were born, or did you keep it a surprise? What are the best surprise proposals you’ve ever seen?

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