When it comes to throwing your kids a party you do not have to spend lots of money to help everyone have a great time. Here are some fun and affordable ideas that you can do to make your child’s party one to remember:

  1. Balloon Give Away Bags : We all know that kids love to take something home with them from a party, but we don’t want to spend a bundle getting gifts for every child. Instead, why not make up a gift balloon? Cut off the mouth of a bottle like Gatorade or PowerAde (one with a large opening). Stretch a balloon over the mouth of the bottle and then slide in candy and other small treats. Blow up the balloon and write the name of the child on it along with a picture if you desire. Kids will love the surprise of getting home and popping the balloon to see what is inside.
  2. Spoon Pops : Candy is always a great treat for kids, but if you do not want to give away the traditional suckers you can make your own quick and easy. Just get some plastic spoons and fill them with melted chocolate chips. Then before the chocolate hardens decorate with colorful candies. Wrap with plastic wrap and tie with a ribbon to make fun and tasty treats for kids.
  3. Mixed Up Colors : If you have a lot of broken crayons or leftover bits, or you are willing to ask your local school for any they have, you can make a colorful and fun treat for kids. Take off the paper and then fill silicon baking tins with the colored wax bits. I like to use special shapes like hearts or stars. Put it in the oven on low until the crayons have melted. Then let it cool until they are hard. Pop them out and you have rainbow crayons that kids will love!
  4. Easy ‘Cake Pops’ : Like the look of cake pops but hate the work and expense? Instead try this easy treat for kids. Put a marshmallow on the end of a stick and dip it in thin blue icing. You can make great icing with just powdered sugar, milk, and a couple drops of food coloring. Before the icing dries, stick on a Goldfish cracker or two. There you have it! A fun aquarium themed ‘cake pop’.

These are just a few of the fun ideas you can try for your next kid’s party. Reusing items is a great way to remain thrifty even when throwing a party. The ideas are all easy and affordable to make and the kids will love them. Have fun!

Author Bio:

This post is contributed by Christine Maddox. Currently she is pursuing her Master’s degree from University of Texas as well as blogging for www.4nannies.com. She loves to write anything related to parenting, kids, nanny care etc. She can be reached via email at: christine.4nannies @ gmail.com.

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