Despite being unemployed, Charlie Sheen continues to “win,” dominating recent news. Sonja Stewart over at Wise Bread, who is always on the lookout for real world scenarios from which to learn, has learned much from Charlie and his ways. Here’s just one lesson learned:

Have a Winning Attitude

Just because we’re in a downsizing economy, facing higher food and oil prices, under-employment and crumbling local governments, it doesn’t mean you won’t be able to be hired at the job you’re applying to. Stop reading the news for awhile if it starts getting you down. Give yourself a tiger-blood, Adonis DNA, pep-talk before hitting the interview. If you can’t afford to celebrate with champagne, or even beer, drink up that milk with gusto. Think of all the delicious fortifying nutrients your body is getting. Clip coupons with panache. Serve leftovers with style. To do frugal living the Sheen way, it’s all about attitude.

Check out Sonja’s full tongue-in-cheek article over at 7 Frugal Lessons I Learned from Charlie Sheen.

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