One of my favorite activities as a kid was blowing bubbles. It’s a great low cost way for kids to entertain themselves. All it takes is a little dish soap and some water. As a kid I was always interested in trying to blow the biggest bubbles possible. I recently found this tip for blowing bigger bubbles on the More Style Than Cash blog:

While the mix I made for the children when they were small was just dish soap and water I latter found that there is a whole science to making wonderfully large bubbles and the secret to it is adding glycerin to the mix. Glycerin can be bought at cake decorating supply store and pharmacies. The recipe I use is

1/2 cup Ivory Dish soap
6 cups Water
1-1/2 Tablespoons of Glycerin

Be sure to check out the full article: Bubbles

Homepage photo credit: helga’s lobster

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