Freezing your lemons may sound like an outlandish, albeit delicious, practice; it’s just not something you hear of often! Nevertheless, there are legions of folks out there who do it, and not for the sake of making a tastier margarita. You see, some believe that lemons hold powers that could actually help fight deadly diseases, like cancer.

Let us just start by saying that the idea of food containing cancer fighting components can be a really contentious issue. Some people whole-heartedly believe in the healing powers of natural ingredients found in fruits, like lemons, while others choose to put their health into the hands of doctors who practice strict traditional medicine.

Whatever you may believe, we think it’s important to educate yourself on the potential benefits of nature’s medicine. In this particular instance, we are going to explore the reported healing properties of the aforementioned beloved sour fruit—the lemon.

According to a 2010 study, researchers found that citrus has a favorable effect against some cancers, especially those that upset the digestive and upper respiratory tracts.

Other studies indicate that the secondary metabolites found in fruits like lemons, called liminoids, may just hold the key to all-natural “anti-cancer, cholesterol-lowering, and anti-viral agents.” The findings are pretty impressive, considering these little guys grow on trees!

How to get the most out of your lemons

Though you may be able to get these benefits by simply eating the fruit, most of the nutrients lay in the rind, so it would behoove you to focus on this part, rather than just the pulp. In the video below, the hostess from Green Lite Bites shows us how to move forward with a special grating technique.

Essentially, all you need to do is first purchase an organic lemon, then scrub away the “waxiness” sometimes found on the outside. Once clean, slice off the end and place in your freezer whole for at least a couple of hours.

Once completely frozen, grab a cheese grater and use the larger holes to dice the lemon. She explains that, when you cut a lemon like this, you benefit from every part, including the fruit, pulp, and skin.


Speak with the experts

It’s important to note that, while there has been sufficient evidence that helps support the idea that liminoids can improve a person’s health and quality of life, this lemon freezing process is in no way meant to replace traditional medicine. Always check with your doc before you begin any change in diet in order to get their take first. After all, they do know your body best!

But, it does go without saying that this habit certainly won’t hurt things. In fact, we think that it’s delicious and energizing on its own, even without the added benefits. To get more insight on the step-to-step lemon grating technique, as well as a yummy yogurt recipe, be sure to click on the video below.

What do you think of using liminoids to combat illness? Is this something that you practice? If so, have you gotten your doctor’s take on the method? Tell us all about your thoughts and experiences in the comments section below!

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