In an effort to boost its image and sales, Anheuser-Busch is taking a leap of faith and offering free Budweiser (that’s right, free beer) nationally on September 29th. Depending on state and local rules, bars and establishments that sell Bud will be giving out 6-12 ounce samples.

With Budweiser’s sales down almost 10% this year, it is evident that beer drinkers have lost loyalty to Bud. As a result, Bud is not only offering free beer on the 29th, but also rolling out an aggressive new ad campaign about “anticipating good times with Bud” and a new alliance with Facebook to begin offering free beers on birthdays. This ambitious campaign is geared to the “under-30” crowd who, it seems, have dubbed Budweiser “the beer that Dad drinks.”

Dave Peacock, Anheuser-Busch president, conceded that younger people are not referring to Bud as “cool” anymore, but is also hopeful, believing that “brands can come back.” With this campaign, he is hoping to win back some old customers and gain some new ones too.

What do you think? Do you think this “free beer” campaign will work for Bud? Will you be heading out the bar that day?

Thanks to USA Today’s Latest ad strategy to freshen Budweiser’s image: Free beer for the tip!

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