I don’t know about you, but I have several people in my life over the age of 5 who don’t like when their food touches. If everything is not separate – with the exception of pasta and sauce – then “Ew!” is the immediate reaction.

If this sounds like you or someone you love, we want to bring you up to speed on a gadget that can save the day. It’s called the Food Cubby and it’s a silicone food divider that keeps each item in its own compartment on your plate. Moms and dads, rejoice!

Sold on Amazon for $14.99, it comes in a 2-pack and uses suction to stick to the plate. An added bonus is that the Food Cubby’s design makes it easy to push food onto a utensil without using any fingers. Even though this nifty invention is geared towards children, kids and adults are digging these!

Sauces, syrups, and runny foods are kept in their place so that they don’t make their neighbors soggy. One of the things that makes it cool is that it was invented by a kid. The product’s description reads:

“Good for special needs, elderly, vision impaired, and occupational therapy needs at meal time. The Food Cubby was created by a kid inventor!”

Some people have a condition called brumotactillophobia, a phobia that manifests as being a picky eater. It’s actually a mild to severe fear of food touching (and form of OCD), which can cause people to eat each item on their plate in a certain order or take measures to divide those items. Eating off a divided plate or using separate dishes helps many people cope with it.

Even if you don’t have full-fledged brumotactillophobia (it’s a mouthful, right?), you still may not be into different textures or flavors meshing together unintentionally. For others, it can be a control thing, and they want to see and taste each food on its own.

There are also those who have sensory issues and do not enjoy the sight, feeling, or taste of foods mixing. For people in this group who have tried the Food Cubby, it works great and they like it.

Reviewers point out that the dividers are easy to remove without scraping your plate and if you are looking to watch your portion sizes, they hold ½ cup of food. They don’t contain BPA, are dishwasher safe, and can be carried with you when dining out. Why not?

Buy a few packs of the Food Cubby and stock them in your cupboards, give them as gifts, or pack them in your bags to take on the road. Bring a smile to someone’s face when you hand them their plate of carefully portioned off scrambled eggs and syrupy pancakes. No more building makeshift food walls, sitting foods on napkins, or putting condiments on a quarantined dish. Get yourself a Food Cubby.

Are you wanting to buy a few of these now? Who do you know that has to maintain food separation? Have you already tried the Food Cubby and have your own thoughts to share?

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