We all could use some extra pointers when it comes to saving money on groceries, whether we’re feeding a large household or not. Beyond the obvious tricks like using coupons or freezing food, there are a few more things you can do to keep your pantry stocked without wasting money.

Household Hacker teamed up with food delivery service Blue Apron to share some tips on stretching your grocery budget. Learn ways to shop smarter and resist store aisle temptations so you can get in and out of the store.

Below we’re highlighting four of Household Hacker’s eight money-saving strategies that will help you avoid throwing food and money away. Clean out your fridge, make space in the cabinets, and get ready to tighten up.

Go for Longevity

My kids think I’m a weirdo for never grabbing the item in the front, but now I can support my weirdness with proof. In the video, it’s pointed out that for some foods, newly-stocked items like refrigerated goods are placed in the back. Don’t be afraid to move things around to get the freshest pick from the back of the line.

The sell-by and expiration dates on these foods are often extended, giving you more than just a few days to use them up. It’ll also give you extra time to store foods like milk or eggs (yes, eggs) in the freezer.

DIY Convenience Foods

Why not make your own chicken tenders? In the example, we’re shown that it’s less expensive to just buy chicken breasts and slice them up for use as grilling strips or tenders. You can also do the same with seasoning mixes, fries (cut up your own potatoes), applesauce, or homemade waffles.

Foil Your Produce

When it comes to fresh produce, I know I’m guilty of letting certain veggies and fruits take a trip to Soggyville. I don’t do it on purpose, but at least now I can drop some guilt with this aluminum foil trick.

It’s recommended to wrap broccoli, lettuce, or celery in aluminum foil to lengthen their life span in the fridge for up to a couple weeks. You can also do the same with carrots or onions; make sure the foods are dry before wrapping them. This is handy for when you buy in bulk, or only use a small amount at a time.

Judge Avocados Correctly

The prices on avocados fluctuate throughout the year, but no matter how you slice them, they aren’t cheap. Nothing’s worse than cutting one open only to discover brown mush when your tastebuds are ready to enjoy its yumminess.

You can gauge their ripeness for your recipes by doing a pressure test first. Give it a gentle squeeze with your palm to check for a little give. If it’s there, it’s ripe. One of the easiest ways to look for ripeness is to do a navel check. If you can’t pluck off the stem, it’s not ready; if you can and it’s green underneath, you’re good to go. A brown color under the navel indicates it’s overripe. Skip it!


Keep watching to catch a few more tricks and recipes too! You might even decide to change how you maneuver through the market with these tips. Your bank account will thank you.

How many of these grocery tricks are you doing already? Do you make a list and stick to it or do you shop hungry? In what ways do you stretch your food and shopping budget? Share in the comments!

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