“The Star-Spangled Banner”: It’s a song that’s synonymous with patriotism, fireworks, and, of course, sporting events. We have to admit that we are not the biggest sports fans in the world, so suffice it to say, our favorite part of the game happens before the players come out — when the singer steps up to the mic to perform the national anthem.

For the annual All-Star Game a few years ago, Fergie came out for the requisite national anthem performance.

From the first note, it was clear the ‘Black Eyed Peas’ frontwoman stepped outside of her wheelhouse. The 42-year-old singer, known for busting out the high notes for dance tracks, opted for a jazzy accompaniment. It was a new take on an old classic and one that, unfortunately for Fergie, no one was having.

Let’s start with the folks who were there to see the whole thing go down live — the crowd and the players. We can’t say whether or not this was accidental, but it seemed as if the director of the televised game focused his efforts on nabbing shots of folks laughing at Fergie or looking on in horror while Fergie belted out her 2-minute rendition.

And, perhaps unsurprisingly, the “Twitterverse” had a lot to say about the singer’s performance. Khloe Kardashian released a simple:

“This All-Star opening is confusing to me. WTF is going on? Anyone?”

Singer K.D. Lang called to do away with national anthems in general:

“Would it be so bad if we just dropped the national anthem altogether from sports events?”

Fergie’s rendition was so universally-loathed that she actually apologized for her performance the next day. Here’s what she told TMZ:

“I’ve always been honored and proud to perform the national anthem and last night I wanted to try something special for the NBA. I’m a risk taker artistically, but clearly, this rendition didn’t strike the intended tone. I love this country and honestly tried my best.”

To hear Fergie’s rendition, along with a few other anthem attempts that didn’t go over well, check out the video below.

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