There are two types of people in this world: those who wear their swimsuits proudly and those who would rather eat a bug than strip down to a bikini. No matter what category you may fall into, it’s important to remember that other people’s perceptions of your body should never affect your decision to either flaunt it all or stay covered.

Societal conventions may tell us otherwise, but we — and plenty of others! — think that everyone who wants to soak in as much vitamin D as they can, while they can, SHOULD. And, they should do so without worrying about whether their body meets expectations or not.

Because even the most body-positive of us need affirmations every once in a while, we’re sharing a very special list, featuring some of the most out-and-proud swimsuit-clad ladies we could find. Each one of these stunners took a leap by posting their swimsuit shots on social media — and thankfully, they did, because their openness reminds us that EVERY body is a beach body!

Let’s take a look at these fierce sun-worshippers. And be sure to read their messages of body positivity below for even further inspiration!

  1. Emma Meyer

    Meyer, a curve model and Chicagoan, often posts gorgeous swimsuit shots alongside ultra-honest captions, like this one:

    I went to post this and immediately thought: ‘Damn, that’s a lot of boob. What if it’s ‘too much’ for some people? What if I offend a follower?” Then I remembered that this body is my body and I can do what I damn well please with it. I can show it off, I can cover it up, I can share it, I can keep it to myself, I can work it out, I can rest it up, I can nourish it, I can even change it. I can do whatever the hell I want with it because it’s mine and no one else’s. All I’m saying is that you shouldn’t forget that how you move about the world in your body is YOUR choice. Wear the swimsuit. Eat the cheese. Show your tits if you want. Just don’t compromise simply to make OTHER people feel more comfortable with YOUR experience.

  2. May Touma

    Beautiful Insta-star, May Touma, gives us an alternate take on cellulite:

    I’m sure you’ve heard this already, but just in case you haven’t, remember that you can’t spell celluLITe without LIT. Embrace your body, love your body, be kind to your body and remember, if you would never say the negative things that you say to yourself to your loved ones, then why say it to yourself? You deserve to be loved and celebrated.

  3. Sabrina Servance

    Model and blogger, Sabrina Servance, reminds us to stay true to ourselves and those we love:

    I’m fat and my boyfriend is white. Get over it. There are far worse things happening on this planet. This constant conversation about health is absurd. What does that have to do with my swimsuit? What does it have to do with how my boyfriend loves me? Absolutely nothing. You look at pictures of me and assume that sit around eating and doing nothing. That’s untrue. But what if I did? It is none of your business. The thought of a happy fat person bothers so many people. And it’s stupid. I had an eating disorder for many years. I ruined my stomach trying to lose weight. And I lost weight. I was still plus size. People still called me fat. And the people who DID say I “looked amazing” had no idea that I was fainting from being hungry. That I would go home and cry myself to sleep because I couldn’t take it anymore. That I wanted to die because I was so depressed. But I “looked amazing”. Yet inside I felt like trash. I was doing what people wanted. I lost weight and lost myself. I will NEVER go back to that. I love myself so much now. I fought really hard to become the Sabrina you see today. I’m not the ideal standard of beauty. And I will never be. And I don’t ever want to be. I’m my own kind of beautiful. And screw you if you have an issue with my happiness. I lost a lot of time living for others. That I can’t get back. But I can keep living for ME. Please live. Please fight. DO YOU!!!

  4. Morgan Mikenas

    Fitness blogger Morgan Mikenas doesn’t dare shave her body hair. Here’s why:

    I stopped shaving because it was an inconvenience. It’s pointless. I feel like it’s an act of submission to the male-dominated culture we live in. I want to mindfully make decisions for myself, and make choices that serve my purpose. Shaving my legs makes me feel powerless. When you make decisions for others, specifically a decision that will make others see you a certain way, a way that culture has designed as ‘sexy and beautiful,’ you lose your power.

  5. Jenna Kutcher

    If you’re a business-savvy lady who isn’t following Jenna Kutcher on Instagram, you’re seriously missing out. This self-made millionaire photographer and marketing expert shares her trade secrets all of the time. Oh, and she ALSO shares some seriously gorgeous swimsuit shots served up with lots of humility, too:

    Someone once slid into my DMs and told me they couldn’t believe I had managed to land a guy as good looking as @kickingitwithkutch. I’ll be honest that I was taken aback.Part of my insecurity with my body has stemmed around being married to Mr. 6-Pack himself. Why should I, a curvy girl get him? I feel unworthy and when I write narratives in my head that because I am not thin, I don’t deserve him.

This man has embraced every curve, every dimple, pound and pimple for the last ten years and has always me reminded me that I’m beautiful even when my inner dialogue doesn’t match. So yes, my thighs kiss, my arms are big, and my bum is bumpy but there is just more of me for him to love and I chose the man that could handle alllll that (and so much more!)

I am so much more than my body, so is he, and so are you.”

  6. Mara Martin

    Swimsuit Illustrated model, Mara Martin, is truly a hero for all breastfeeding mommas. Recently, she walked down a CATWALK feeding her daughter–in a gold bikini to boot! Here’s her reflecting on the experience:

    I can’t believe I am waking up to headlines with me and my daughter in them for doing something I do every day. It is truly so humbling and unreal to say the least. I’m so grateful to be able to share this message and hopefully normalize breastfeeding and also show others that women CAN DO IT ALL!

  7. Kirsten Bosly

    Australian mommy blogger, Kirsten Bosly, took to social media to share her evolution from “skittish beachgoer” to “proud swimsuit-wearing momma:”

    The truth is, I’m tired of being ashamed of my body; it’s done nothing but support me for 41 years. . . So today I let go. I let go of the hatred and resentment of this body of mine and chose to enjoy it for what it is; my body. I asked The Pants to take this photo so the kids will remember us enjoying this day together, cellulite and all. No cover up. No board shorts. No “modesty” towel. No filters. Just us. Any you know what? I’m not ashamed. Really. I look at this photo and all I can see is how happy we are and that’s awesome. I finally feel free. . .

We’d love to hear your thoughts on all things “beach bodies!” Which message is your favorite? Did you struggle with wearing a swimsuit? If so, how did you overcome your fears?

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